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Our Daily Bread Case Study

Learn why “Our Daily Bread” calls Avanti Slingshot a Game Changer

“The visibility we get from real-time access to our information from both within – as well as outside – the plant is game-changing.”

~ Ron Underwood, Our Daily Bread Ministry

When your data lives in different systems, it can be hard to get a good grasp on your print shop’s performance. How do you make sense of disparate and disconnected data points?

This was the struggle that Our Daily Bread Ministry, an in-plant print shop, was facing. They needed to understand project costs and profitability, but were struggling to reconcile the information on hand. 

Read through this case study to find out how Our Daily Bread used Avanti Slingshot to unify their disparate systems and information, including:

What's in the Case Study?

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