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Printing and Marketing Group Case Study

Read how Printing and Marketing Group, Inc used Avanti Slingshot to improve efficiency.

“I’m seeing things I didn’t even consider; things that make you go, ‘Oh yeah, this makes sense!’”

~ Armando Pena, Printing and Marketing Group, Inc.

If your teams are losing hours every day re-keying orders from your web-to-print systems, you’re not alone — and there’s a better way.

With multiple web-to-print systems in place and an outdated, inflexible Print MIS solution, Printing and Marketing Group, Inc. (PMI) was struggling with order errors, wasted time and declining profitability. 

Read through this case study to find out how PMI used Avanti Slingshot to streamline their operations, improve efficiency and see the bigger picture, including:

PMI ebook cover

What's in the Case Study?

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